Rainout and Weather Cancellations

  • When bad weather affects a Club, an Admin can cancel multiple Reservations and Events with the Weather Cancellation feature.

  • To do so:

    • Click on the dark rain cloud labeled Add a Rainout

    • Select the location where the bad weather is incoming or happening

    • Select the times when the bad weather starts and ends

    • Notice the canceled Reservations and Events

      • Any Customers in these Reservations or Events will receive an email saying it was canceled due to bad weather

    • Notice at the top of the Overview page an ability to edit the Rainout and extend it

      • There is also the option to cancel the Rainout

      • Clicking on this will allow Customers to book during the time that the Rainout currently blocks

        • It does not mean the Events and Reservations that were previously canceled are rebooked


    • At the time of creating the rainout, if there are Reservations or Events taking place, the rainout feature prompts with a list of those Reservations and Events for the Admin to decide what to do, either to refund or not refund

      • The refund is for 100% of the Customer's cost

    • If an Admin would like to provide a partial Refunds, they can use the Refund feature