Classes and Clinics
What if I want to make a Class or Clinic that lasts more than one day?
To have a Class or Clinic that spans multiple days, an Admin can adjust the Event to be a Series. Changing an already published Class or Clinic into a...
How does a Customer sign up for a Class or Clinic?
Customers can find any published Events which are Classes or Clinics in the Programming tab (sometimes labeled Community or Schedule) of the App. A Cu...
What is a Class or Clinic?
A Class or Clinic is an Event led by a Coach. This type of Event gives Customers the ability to join an Event focused on education. To create a Class ...
How to add multiple Coaches to a Clinic
To add multiple Coaches to a Clinic, or any Event Click into the Clinic or Event Click + Coach button on the side panel Select the desired Coach Ensur...
Add a Coach to a Clinic
A Coach can be added to a Clinic before or after the Event is created. To add a Coach while creating the Clinic: Select time and court in the Dashboar...